Since 25 Yearscompetent and practiced

Con­stant Po­ten­tial X-Ray Sys­tems

CT-MO 160

CT-MO 160/CT-MO 225

CT-MO 160 and CT-MO 225 with its low weight and a power up to 2.5 kW (225 / 11mA) was de­signed specif­i­cally for mo­bile use in NPP’s or in­dus­tries. All com­po­nents are mounted on a car­riage sys­tem equipped with pneu­matic tires, with a crane hook and a well tip­ping point and can there­fore be eas­ily car­ried from one per­son to the job. If nec­es­sary, the in­di­vid­ual com­po­nents can also be dis­man­tled eas­ily and worn for them­selves. You are able to pen­e­trate up to 40 mm Fe. The 40 kHz tech­nol­ogy en­sures a very high sta­bil­ity and set ac­cu­racy of the high volt­age and the tube cur­rent. The plants re­spond very rapidly to changes in the stan­dard, so that the test time can be sig­nif­i­cantly re­duced in many cases.

Through the con­tin­u­ous com­par­i­son of ac­tual and Set points are both de­vi­a­tions in the Mid­dle and long-term con­di­tion and cor­rected in the mi­crosec­ond range. All of the com­po­nents in the CT-MO sys­tem are shielded against the ef­fects of dust and water, and com­ply with the Pro­tec­tion Class IP 54.

Pro­gram mode:
4-pro­grams for au­to­matic warm up

Focal spot se­lec­tion:
Se­lec­tor switches for stan­dard or small focal spot

icon and nu­mer­i­cal dis­play of the focal spot size. (gr BRFL. = 160kV / 15.6 mA)

Se­cu­rity fea­tures:

Two in­de­pen­dent, su­per­vised se­cu­rity cir­cles.

En­vi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions (IP54):
Duty cycle: 100% up to +33 ° C
Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture: -5 ° C to +33 ° C
Rel­a­tive hu­mid­ity of 98% at +33 ° C
Stor­age tem­per­a­ture: -10 ° C to +70 ° C,
rel. Hu­mid­ity: 98% at +40 ° C

Power sup­ply:
230V +10% -15%, sin­gle phase, 50/60Hz, 16A

Me­chan­i­cal data (sys­tem):
Di­men­sions (W x H x D):
CT-MO 160: 600mm x 700mm x 1300mm
CT-MO 225: 600mm x 1450mm x 1100mm

CT-MO 160: 150kg with 20m cable H.V
CT-MO 225: 170kg with 15m KV cable

CT-MO 160 Sys­tem can be up­graded to 225 kV.

The con­trol unit
Con­nected via a 20 m long cable, the CT-MO Sys­tem can be set up eas­ily. De­sired pa­ra­me­ters can be ad­justed as de­sired with a touch but­ton after the warm-up phase. Sep­a­rate pro­tec­tion switch and key switch are mounted. Op­er­at­ing con­di­tions are rep­re­sented by cor­re­spond­ing lamps.